The customs clearance of new and used machinery from around the world is generally simple. However both The Department of Agriculture and Water Resources and The Department of Environment can cause delays and add to the overall costs of importation. Before you purchase any machinery you should read the rest of this page and then give us a call to ensure you understand their requirement.
Department of Environment
The Department of Environment is responsible for the control of pre-charged gases imported & used in Australia. Machinery with air-conditioners normally fall into their regulations and its important to note the ways that would enable you to clear your machinery with the Department of Environment, Click here to see the different available scenarios.
Documentary evidence for a degas of equipment with installed air conditioner or refrigerator should be completed on the relevant compliance form shown below;
Compliance Report CFC or Compliance Report HFC & HCFC
Importers of ODS/SGG equipment are required to hold a ODS/SGG Equipment Licence (EQPL), costing approx $3,000. The online application for an EQPL can be found on the Department of the Environment’s website at:
Department of Agriculture and Water Resources
Quarantine is responsible for managing quarantine controls at our borders to minimize the risk of exotic pests and diseases entering the country. Machinery, especially used Machinery represents a high risk pathway for the introduction of exotic pests and diseases. Therefore, Quarantine takes the inspection and release of these items very seriously and will enforce strict conditions on the cleanliness conditions of each machine arriving into Australia. Depending on the type of machinery being imported several different import conditions may be placed on it.
For example most new machinery will require the supplier to complete a New and Unused Declaration, however even if this form is provided it does not guarantee release of the machinery from Quarantine, as other risks associated with the goods, place of export, the supplier, etc could require further documentation or inspection.
It is equally important to note that any machinery with unacceptable high levels of contamination can be ordered by The Department of Agricultre for exportation to a country such as Singapore at your cost. Here is an example and photos of a used machinery that has been re-exported in the past.